Extra! Extra!

On this page you will find newspaper articles and other announcements about Browns Corner Press publications!

I am delighted to share that my third book, Talking Buddies has recently been added to the E-Library on the Barbershops Books website. Barbershop Books is an organization that provides children’s books to barbershops across the country to promote literacy and a love for reading. I am tickled that another one of my books is part of this wonderful and impactful organization. The link for Talking Buddies is here. 

Exciting news! My first book, Jamal and Me is now included in the E-Library on the Barbershop Books website. Barbershop Books is an organization that provides children’s books to barbershops across the country to promote literacy and a love for reading. While adults/children are getting haircuts, why not read a book? Jamal and Me is now part of this innovative endeavor. The link for my book is here.

I am pleased to share with you that Playground Heroes was read aloud by Rebecca Van Aken, Assistant Principal at Centreville Elementary School. The link for the YouTube video is here.

Pace University has posted my recent podcast with Dr. Elizabeth Smith, Professor in the School of Education. A link to the podcast is here.

I am delighted to announce that a link to my recent podcast interview with Melinda Long, author of the New York Times best-selling book How I Became A Pirate can be found on Melinda’s website. Scroll down past the EVENTS section of the page to LINKS. Dr. Toughlove’s podcast link can be found here.

I am pleased to announce I have a blog posted in the “What’s Your Story?” section of the Black Children’s Book Authors website.  My blog can be found here.  I am also listed in the directory. You can find a link to my page here.

I am now on the Local Authors Page of Commonplace Reader, an independent bookstore located in Yardley, PA. The link is here.

I was asked by Rebecca Van Aken, Teacher Specialist at Centreville Elementary School, to create a video for the school’s Cubby Corner program. I was delighted to share information about my books with students and parents ( aged Pre-K- 2).  The video I created is on Centreville Elementary School’s YouTube channel and my YouTube channel as well. The link is here:

I am thrilled to announce that I was interviewed by Judith Krummeck, a radio announcer on WBJC (91.5 FM) out of Baltimore, MD. The interview was about my most recent book, Talking Buddies. The four-minute interview is available here.

Judith’s blog about our interview was included in WBJC’s July E-Newsletter. The link can be found here.

I am pleased to announce that my Talking Buddies radio interview has been included in a newsletter for parents entitled FIVE Family Friendly Activities Newsletter Issue 17. This e-newsletter is published and distributed by Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES, which is based in Yorktown Heights, NY, and is shared with the 18 school districts in the BOCES region. You will find a brief article about the interview by scrolling down to the fourth item on the link below.


talking buddies cover

Thank you Judith, for giving me the opportunity to talk about Talking Buddies in the context of current events in our country.


Click here to read an article published in the Record Observer about Dr. Toughlove’s Read Aloud video!


Click the link below to read an article about my latest book, Talking Buddies, published in the Record Observer on July 26, 2019.

Record Observer July 26, 2019

Record Observer July 2019009

Here is an article that was included in the Eastern Shore Writers Association’s June 2019 Newsletter.ESWA logoESWA newsletter June 2019

Click the link below to read an article about my author visit at Sudlersville Elementary School. It appeared in the Record Observer on April 5, 2019. Great press for Sudlersville!

Author visits Sudlersville Elementary School!


Click the link below to read an article about my author visit at Church Hill Elementary School. It appeared in the Record Observer on October 27, 2018.

Author visits Church Hill Elementary School Schools myeasternshoremd

This article about my author visit at Sudlersville Elementary School appeared in the Bay Times and Record Observer on June 20, 2018.


Here is an article that was included in the Eastern Shore Writers Association’s July 2018 Newsletter.ESWA logo

Eastern Shore Writers Association newsletter July 2018

Read about my return to Walden School on March 23, 2018 for an Author Visit!

record observer article057

great press